
Hello everyone, welcome to my official website. Here, you are able to listen to and purchase/download my entire catalog of music, including my free lofi hip-hop Disney tribute album “i want adventure in the great wide somewhere”, my rock EP “Shine Forever”, all of my singles, and my upcoming album “The Unknown King: Reborn” when it releases on April 21st, 2024. You'll also be able to watch my music videos (like the one I just released for “Picture”), buy merch when it releases, see when I'll be performing live, and contact me with whatever is on your mind. You can also join my mailing list and get the latest news delivered straight to your email. This site is a living, changing thing so be sure to let me know if you have any suggestions of things I'm missing or things you want to see on the site. I want this to be the central hub for all things relating to my music career so thanks for visiting, I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. Until next time, take care y'all!

Dylan Finley
The Unknown King

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